Active learning
Meet the consultant
Your eLearning specialist
I am your eLearning specialist.
With nearly 20 years experience as an eLearning and instructional designer, I have the skills and the knowledge to create effective learning solutions for your students and staff.
With a focus on media rich and interactive learning I can design learning experiences that engage students and provide the best and most effective learning outcomes for users and clients.
I have extensive practical experience in content creation as well as management and I can use most design tools available, including the entire Adobe Creative Cloud suite, Captivate, Articulate and Flash. I can also write HTML and CSS and I am able to create both media rich and responsive websites.
What is eLearning?
In simple terms eLearning can encompass any type of learning that is delivered via electronic media.
What matters most is not the way in which the content is delivered, but the quality of the learning experience.
In the end its not about eLearning, but effective learning.
It is easy as an eLearning designer or developer to put an emphasis on the technology, the tools available and what they can achieve. The focus should always be on achieving the desired results for students and clients. the tools are a means to an end and the question should always be: What is the best way to ensure the learners understand and grow from the experience?
The best approach
The key to effective online learning is Active Learning. When you decide to move from the delivery of content online to creating an eLearning course you are moving from passive learning to active learning and allowing your students, staff or clients to take ownership of the learning experience.
There is no right or wrong way to create an effective online learning experience, and often a combination of approaches is most effective for the content you are delivering.
The user experience
UX design is an essential component of any effective online learning. I would even argue that it is the essential component.
The secret to any good design, including online courses, is usability. By understanding your audience, how they will access and use the information you provide, you will be able to create a more meaningful and effective online course.
Telling a story
The fundamentals of effective eLearning are the same as for any style of learning, it comes down to what information you want to present and how best to deliver it.
Good learning practices are consistent no matter how the learning is delivered.