What is eLearning?

The learning experience

eLearning is a term that is bandied about readily in learning institutions and businesses alike.
In simple terms eLearning can encompass any type of learning that is delivered via electronic media.
This means that eLearning can include anything from the online delivery of resources via an LMS through to complete educational or training content delivered online.
Unfortunately though, this can also mean that a lot of things that do nothing to enhance the learning for a student is often labeled eLearning.
What matters most is not the way in which the content is delivered, but the quality of the learning experience.

In the end its not about eLearning, but effective learning.

It is easy as an eLearning designer or developer to put an emphasis on the technology, the tools available and what they can achieve. The focus should always be on achieving the desired results for students and clients. the tools are a means to an end and the question should always be: What is the best way to ensure the learners understand and grow from the experience?

eLearning options

Stage 1

The delivery of electronic resources designed to augment traditional learning.
Usually delivered via a Learning Management System. This level of eLearning provides additional learning materials electronically such as electronic lecture recordings and assessment resources.

Stage 3

Active learning elements designed to supplement & extend the learning experience.
Additional learning resources are provided along with self-directed activities aimed at helping students actively seek out information and develop their understanding of a topic. Online resources are combined with activities such as reflections or online quizzes and can complement or replace face-to-face learning.

Stage 2

Electronic resources designed to enhance the learning experience.
Students are provided with additional learning materials designed to complement traditional learning and expand on the students understanding. These materials can be used to prepare students for face-to-face activities or promote self-directed learning.

Stage 4

100% online courses.
This is the point where online content becomes an online course. Effective online courseware focuses on active learning, with a clear emphasis on student engagement as well as higher order thinking. Courses are usually self-directed and self-paced. Online courses can work in conjunction with face-to-face workshops or as stand-alone courses.